
About Me

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about unicorn ann walker

I’ve been sewing since I was very young. My Mother was trained as a ladies’ tailor and taught me so much.

 I’m Ann Walker and I make all of the bags and other items you’ll see here. I have a passion for making unique bags and I’m incredibly picky about quality, so you’ll only get my very best work in every bag you purchase here.

All my finished bags are exclusive to me and are unique so, although you may recognise my style out and about, you’ll never find an exact replica of your bag.

A few bits about me personally:

about unicorn tiggyI live in Gainsborough, UK, with my woodworking business partner and a crazy beagle called Tiggy. 

I have a BA(Hons) degree in conserving and restoring historic objects, for which I waited 30-odd gap years before starting.

I’ve been a nurse, a teacher and a full-time antique restorer over the years.

Others have noted about me that:

  • I’m an avid supporter of handcrafted work;
  • I’m obsessive about correct grammar, punctuation and spelling;
  • I’m not modest about my abilities;
  • I love all the iterations of Star Trek with a passion;
  • I can talk for England once I get started, and
  • I hate parsnips.

I couldn’t possibly comment.